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Hades vs Pluto

Hades vs Pluto Hades and Pluto are similar in many ways .   Both, Pluto and Hades were the gods of death and lords of the underworld,  but Pluto  was also the god of wealth because of the minerals that were found underground. Overall, Hades is seen as a more dark and dominant character than Pluto Pluto Pluto was one of three brothers and two sisters who's parents were Saturn and Ops. Unlike Hades, Pluto was less independent and relied on other people to do his work for him. Hades Hades was the oldest male child of the titans Cronus and Rhea. He has two brothers (Zeus and Poseidon) and three sisters (Demeter, Hera and Hestia) and his wife, Persephone is the daughter of Demeter, and was kidnapped by Hades. His personality was not liked by mortals or other gods as he was dark and morbid. He is described as fierce and unstoppable, and was one of two gods who were most hated by mortals (the other being Ares, the god of war).

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