Athena VS Minerva


Athena and Minerva are two akin goddesses, from different cultures. Athena and Minerva are commonly known as goddesses of wisdom and crafts, with Athena in addition to this being known as a goddess of war as well.

Athena and Minerva’s origin are pretty much exactly the same, they were both born directly from their fathers brain, wearing armour. Most Mythology seems to go exactly the same way whether it’s Athena or Minerva who is a part of the story. They were both known for cursing Medusa with snake hair and for turning Arachne into a spider.

The only difference between these two is their roles within their society. While Athena was highly praised and worshiped as a goddess of not only wisdom and craft but war, as well. Minerva was considered to be nothing more than a goddess of arts and crafts to the romans. She was never considered a goddess of war like Athena was as the Romans already had a goddess of war, Bellona.

So while they are both very similar, Athena is considered to have played a much more important role to her culture and society than Minerva. And is more widely recognised than Minerva.


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